Reunion of los churros girls (i.e.: mis idiotas)

My high school best friends and I came in from all over the world to reunite in Madrid, Spain. Madrid being a very random place for our reunion, we named ourselves after one of Spain’s most famous dessert, churros, or more precisely the churros girls (like the spice girls lmao).

First of all, I know I keep saying random spanish words because I think it is hilarious, but how much of it do you think I used on my first trip to Spain? Ding Ding Ding! Correct! Cero. Well, I mean does it count that I was able to say: “No hablas espanol.” ? That’s pretty advanced tbh.

Who are we talking about?

My best friends, Corina and Megan, happened to be in Madrid at the same time. Honestly, this is practically the closest I have been to them in years. So of course I made the trip down to Madrid although I was going to anyway even if it was just for Corina.

I had not realized how much I missed them. Isn’t it sort of crazy how much time can pass but when we were together it was as if nothing had ever changed? I can’t tell you how fascinating it is for me to grasp this. It’s been practically three years since I last saw them. I mean I haven’t seen Megan since we graduated high school?? (lmao and we were even in a fight at our graduation). And Corina since like Winter 2016 where we saw each other for literally 3 days (at most).

Paseo del Prado, Madrid (Spain)

Despite the fact that staying friends with the whole long distance thing can be incredibly tough sometimes, always have things to do and places to go to, things going on for ourselves making it can be super difficult to keep up with the others, it doesn’t mean I care about them any less. I love my instagram hoes.

Time to reminisce this friendship

I really don’t want to be cheesy. But there is a kind of bond with these girls I can’t compare with other people (not to say I don’t love my other friends just as much). Having been together all of high school and even middle school and well having grown up in the same environment (not trying to exclude anyone here since we all grew up differently of course) for important developmental stage(s) of our lives .

(okay the middle school part is maybe not for u Megatron, but hey Coco u know whassup /trying hard not to bring up those cringe photos we took the first time I came to your house and we baked brownies??? and u pulled up your Indonesian butter that was packaged in a plastic bag practically or that time we used to go to circle K and just drank vodka cruiser?? thats right. this girl remembered/) And that just connects us differently and still makes us best friends to this day.

What did we actually do together in Madrid

So, with all of this in mind, I can’t even explain to you how much fun I had just hanging out with them. I mean literally all we did together was raid Megan’s suitcase, eat, eat more, go “shopping” and eat again! As you can tell a thing that really connects us is food. Has always been and I guess, it will always be. Because gotta love that food.

Selfie time with the churros girls, with our big mugs of coffee to start off the day in Madrid!

Cereal Hunters Cafe – A dream for you cereal fanatics

Can we just have a quick talk about this cute cafe? It was right outside of Corina’s house and honestly do they even need it? I love cereal. I need this. jks but it would be so convenient. It’s also so adorable and they have a large variety on things that are not easily found here. (Honestly, I dont even know where you would be able to find Reeses Puffs. Maybe Amazon?) I totally recommend checking out Cereal Hunters Cafe (insta). It is not the most affordable thing ever, but the cereal we got in the coffee was super sweet, which exactly what I look forward to in a coffee. And the cookie. omg the cookies was so soft and sugery, like subways (my favourite! for anyone who cares about me: buy me a dozen the next time you see me. thx).

Hanging out with the churros gals

But I do have to say that the shops in Madrid looked so much nicer than I have seen them in other cities. The shops looked super fancy and so aesthetic. I wanted them instagram shots everywhere. But I will talk more about my trip and the city in the following posts.

We played heads up once and wow we sucked? I mean some things were fine. But god Megan didnt know that Winni Pooh’s friend was a donkey. And I don’t know how I was able to guess sledging from their miming.

Let’s not forget about that time, we went to a Japanese restaurant and talked about sex in a volume that was definitely audible to the people around us (If they spoke English that is). But no one complained so it was all good. Also the Poke bowls were humongeous and super price worthy!

Another unforgetable moment will be me climbing out the window from Corina’s apartment to clean the terrace. (I guess that would be a plausible way to describe it. But no one goes out there. There is no door to go out there. Only windows.) And coming back through the kitchen window, trying not to get the whole house dirty with the dirt that accumulated on my feet.

Megan also told us about the existence of blue wine here in Madrid which sounded super cool, but Corina and I had no idea how to find it. And this blue bottle of idk magic sparkling and glittering unicorn poo this alcohol was the closest thing we got to it. But damn this bottle was pretty. It was like a bath bomb in a bottle.

I honestly can’t believe how much we talked. We just didn’t stop and just always had something to talk about. Isn’t that crazy? Yah know girls. Got so much to gossip about jks. We also just discussed eyelash extensions and permanent makeup. Just the usual.

Anyway, I can’t wait for the next time we hang out together again and have another reunion (maybe not in Madrid but as long as i have best girl friends with me)! I am sorry I am the worst replier, but I still love u!

Here’s a recap of our little trip! I hope you enjoy this video. It’s really cute. I promise.

Please look forward to my upcoming posts! And don’t forget to check out my previous travel posts about a beautiful little German town, Rüdesheim and about the tulip fields in the Netherlands!